Easy Access Zones
Lower Queens Road
Easy Access Zones on Lower Queens Road Allotments
An Easy Access Zone has been created on the Lower Queens Road Allotments comprising of four purpose-built raised beds, wide path with accessible surfacing, close to a water supply and parking. These small manageable plots are for ideal for Buckhurst Hill residents who want to grow their own food but may find a conventional allotment plot presents too many physical challenges due to mobility etc. Applications are welcome from new growers and existing plot holders.
If you are interested and require further information, please contact us on: bhallotments@gmail.com or Tel: 07789 003284
We wish to thank our funders for their support in helping to create this first Easy Access Zone, these are Buckhurst Hill Parish Council, Essex County Council and Waitrose. Our intention is to build more Easy Access Zones on our other sites.
If you are interested and require further information please contact Tim or talk to your Site Managers.

Buckhurst Hill Leisure Gardens CIC manage five allotment sites in the locality. You can enjoy the benefits of growing your own fruit and vegetables - nothing tastes better than food that you have seen grow from a tiny seed to a full grown plant bearing the fruit of your labours.
Allotments are now available to rent, take this wonderful opportunity to join this happy and contented set. Sociable groups with a common interest with many comings together to share tea and a biscuit or to compare their latest vintages.
What's not to like: good food, good company, gentle exercise, money saving and all the fresh air and sunshine you could want.
Who needs organic grow your own!
"Our findings provide direct empirical evidence for health benefits of allotment gardens. Having an allotment garden may promote an active life-style and contribute to healthy ageing." - Wageningen University and Research Centre


Get an Allotment Now!
Contact us and you could have your own allotment and enjoy the whole cornucopia of what nature has to offer from just £25.00/year
BHLGA - Rules and Policies:
Rules click here.
Privacy Policy click here.
Diversity policy click here.
Bonfire Code click here.
Code of Conduct click here
Polytunnel and Shed Application clickhere
Tenancy Agreement click here
Complete Seed Saving Guidelines (pdf) click here
For all your horticultural needs at discount prices - Woodford and District Horticultural Society, Broadmead Rd. Bridge - Opposite Woodbridge School entrance. Sunday 10.00 to 11.45.
Buckhurst Hill Horticultural Society -Flower Shows:
Useful Links
Royal Horticultural Society: www.rhs.org.uk
Kings Seeds (discount available to allotment holders): www.kingsseeds.com
Soil Association: www.soilassociation.org