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Open Day and Charity Produce Sale - Aug 2018

The Buckhurst Hill LGA held an Open Day which included a sale of produce from the allotments the proceeds of which go towards our project to provide disabled access complete with elevated beds.

The open day is part of the National Allotments Week whose theme for 2018 was:

‘Living and Growing’

This year’s theme highlights the importance of growing your own food and the Society would like to see everyone incorporating fruit and vegetable gardening in some way in to their lives; however small. Herbs on a balcony, an apple tree on a patio, strawberries in hanging baskets or tomatoes in a big pot by the back

door - ripe and ready to pop in a salad. Growing at home can help people on allotment waiting lists hone their horticultural skills and raises awareness for children of how and where their food is produced. As we are all aware growing on an allotment plot adds many more benefits for individuals, society and the environment. So, let’s open our gates during the 2018 campaign week, show off our skills, share our joy in gardening and communal endeavour and get everyone living and growing!

It was a great day for the allotments to connect with the wider community. Plot holders were in attendance to share their knowledge and experience with visitors. The participants walked around the allotment site - stopping and talking to plot holders as they go. Some were totally new to allotments, be plot holders from our other sites in Buckhurst Hill or fellow LQR plot holders who wish to exchange knowledge and chat.

We had three Parish Councillors attend (Ken Williamson, Jane Forker-Clark & Sam Clark) who were all very supportive and stayed a long while enjoying the day.

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